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Top 3 Self Defense Weapons for Ladies

Best Self Defense Weapons

· self defense weapons

Self defense weapons are necessity notwithstanding you are a man or a woman. You need to carry a weapon these days so that you can battle the attackers and ensure your survival.

Though men like to carry lethal weapons which to a great extent allows them to prevent those attacks.

On the other hand, ladies prefer small and non lethal weapons. They often struggle to find the right weapons for them.

However, we are here to assist them. We have come up with a list of three top self defense weapons for ladies. Following are our picks:

1. Lipstick Stun Gun

Lipstick stun gun looks like a real lipstick. However, it is not a lipstick, rather a very powerful electroshock weapon.

There are two prongs on the lipstick that do the job. When you touch the prongs on the device to the body of the attacker, a powerful electrical shock is delivered.

This immobilizes him for a reasonable time period. This is a non lethal weapon and the ladies love to use it for self defense.

2. Lipstick Knife

Just like lipstick stun gun, a lipstick knife looks like a real lipstick. However, it does not feature any prongs. Instead, it features a sturdy blade.

There is a small blade hidden inside the lipstick. When you twist the tube of it, the blade appears from the other end.

When you face an attacker, you can just pull out the blade and use it to injure him. This is a slightly lethal weapon which can cause severe injuries.

3. Necklace Knife

This is another slightly lethal self defense weapon for ladies, necklace knife. The advantage of this weapon is that it can be worn around the neck.

It looks like a real necklace. However, there is a blade attached to it.

This blade is covered with a durable leather sheath to avoid any chance of accidental injury. Anyways, it is an effective weapon for defense!