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A Quick Brass Knuckles User Guide

Real Brass Knuckles

· brass knuckles

Brass knuckles is one of the best weapons of the 21st century. It is the only weapon that can be worn. Yes, you can wear it around your knuckles.

It is made of brass, metal and sometimes aluminium. In any case, it is a brutal and extremely powerful weapon.

However, it is not necessarily a fighting weapon. There are plenty of other uses. Here is a quick guide on how to use it for different purposes.

How to Wear Brass Knuckles as a Fashion?

Brass knuckles give a gangster appeal and is only for badass characters. If there is a bad guy inside you, this weapon is ideal.

Also, if you are not a fan of using it as a weapon, then wear it as a fashion accessory. However, make sure to wear it on jeans.

How to Use Brass Knuckles for Self Defense?

Brass knuckles is a great self defense weapon. It ensures your survival if you know how to correctly use it in such situations.

You need to make a fist and then deliver a punch with the knuckles hitting the attacker. Make sure to aim the face of the attacker. When you punch in the face, the damage is maximum which is key for your survival against him.

How to Use Brass Knuckles in a Street Fight?

In a street fight, you should use it in a similar fashion like you do in a self defense situation. Use your knucks to block your opponent’s punches.

Then, deliver a punch in his face to injure him. If he is still standing his ground, deliver another one to knock him down.

How to Use Brass Knuckles for Paperweight?

Knuckle duster can be used as a paperweight. Make sure to get a piece made of brass which is called real brass knuckles. This is slightly heavier and excellent as a paperweight for controlling your papers on your desk.

How to Use Brass Knuckles in Role Play?

For cosplay, you can wear brass knuckles if you are playing a badass character such as a gangster. It can be your ultimate costume. But make sure to keep the safety of your fellow role players as your priority. Don’t punch anyone!